Getting Started
Vue3-Carousel-Component is a carousel component built with Vue 3. Offering a range of features and flexibility for creating contemporary carousel effects.
This component harnesses the compositional API and reactivity system of Vue 3, providing developers with an easy-to-use and highly customizable carousel solution. With Vue3-Carousel-Component, developers can create seamless slideshows of images, videos, or any content, integrating smoothly into Vue 3 projects.
Vue3-Carousel-Component 是一个用 Vue 3 构建的轮播组件。提供了丰富的功能和灵活性,用于创建现代化的轮播效果。
这个组件利用 Vue 3 的组合式 API 和响应式特性,为开发者提供了一种易于使用且高度可定制的轮播解决方案。通过 Vue3-Carousel-Component,开发者可以创建流畅的图片、视频或任何内容的滑动展示,并且能够很方便地集成到 Vue 3 项目中。
$ npm install vue3-carsouel-component
$ pnpm add vue3-carsouel-component
$ yarn add vue3-carsouel-component